A Time of Change Painting and Photos by Bern Will Brown
On the Land

It is obvious from his art, his photographs and his journals that Bern Will Brown has a great fascination with the land and how Northerners use it. From his first days in the north, Bern was ready to explore. Summers were spent traveling to camps by motorized canoe. He stayed with families up and down the Mackenzie Valley, as well as in northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. His photos on the land are mainly of the people, and show a respect and sensitivity for their way of life that might even be touched with envy. He learned to drive dogs during his first winter at Fort Norman, and this became a passion lasting many years. Not surprisingly, dog teams figure largely in his photographs.


Religious Life | An Artist's Eye | On the Land | Community Life

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Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada