Aklarvik Inuvialuit family in front of a dog sled
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The Bonnie Belle at Aklavik, circa 1940
The Bonnie Belle at Aklavik, circa 1940.
(NWT Archives N-1990-003-0083/Mary Saich)

Explore Aklarvik
"Place Where There Are Grizzlies"

NuligakI returned to Aklavik at muskrat time. ("I, Nuligak" p. 44)

Aklarvik (today known as Aklavik) is the southernmost Inuvialuit community. Nuligak often sailed there in his schooner, Bonnie Belle, to sell his muskrat and fox skins.

Aklavik is located in the forested inner delta of the Mackenzie River, where the Peel Channel branches off toward the Arctic Ocean.

The area around Aklavik is rich in fur bearing animals, especially muskrats. Both Inuvialuit and Gwich'in have traditionally hunted and trapped in the area, and sometimes met there to trade.

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