Inuuvik Inuvialuit family in front of a dog sled
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The beginning of Inuvik - East Three
The beginning of Inuvik - East Three, circa 1955.
(NWT Archives N-1992-192-0123/Curtis L. Merrill)

Explore Inuuvik
"Place of People"

NuligakI who have been ever on the go, now I keep a house. ("I, Nuligak" p. 189)

Unlike most places where Inuvialuit live today, Inuuvik (now spelled Inuvik) was not a traditional Inuvialuit settlement. It was built by the federal government in the 1950s to relocate people from Aklavik.

When construction began, and before it had a name, this location was called East Three, because it was the third site that government surveyors looked at on the East Channel of the Mackenzie River. Eventually many Inuvialuit moved there to find work, and because of the schools, hospital and other services that were available.

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