Kuugaaluk Inuvialuit family in front of a dog sled
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The mouth of the Kuugaaluk River
The mouth of the Kuugaaluk River.
(Photo credit: David Morrison)

Explore Kuugaaluk
"Old River"

NuligakA father and his son had gone to Imariuk hunting the tuktu, the caribou. Close to the Kugaluk River the shore is cut into a series of long parallel headlands… ("I, Nuligak" p. 72)

The Kuugaaluk River flows into Imaryuk near its outlet.

In August, the migratory route of the Cape Bathhurst caribou (tuktu) herd brings them close to the eastern shore of Imaryuk. Areas around Kuugaaluk are favoured places for the fall caribou hunt, when the animals are fat and their skins are good for making clothing.

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