Kitigaaryuk Inuvialuit family in front of a dog sled
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The village at Kitigaaryuk in 1909
The village at Kitigaaryuk in 1909. (R.M. Anderson/National Archives of Canada/C23943).

Explore Kitigaaryuk

NuligakThose of my people who lived before me came from Kitigariuit. During my earliest youth the Kitigariukmeut were very numerous. ("I, Nuligak" p. 13)

Kitigaaryuk is the name of a traditional Inuvialuit village near the mouth of the Mackenzie River. The exact meaning of the name Kitigaaryuk is no longer remembered. However, Elders say that it probably describes the nature of the river bank.

In earlier days, Kitigaaryuk was the main gathering place of the Kitigaaryungmiut branch of the Inuvialuit. Archaeological research at Kitigaaryuk shows that Inuvialuit have lived there for at least 500 years.

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