As the need for the skills and services they supplied in relation to dog teams and dog sled transportation lessened, the role of the Special Constable changed.
From the 1970s through the 1990s Special Constables were encouraged to transition to become Regular Members of the RCMP.
The important skills provided by the Special Constables from the 1800s to the late 1900s are the basis for Aboriginal Policing Services in today’s RCMP. Building upon the strong historical relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous employees, the RCMP is committed to the highest quality of service in Canada and the Northwest Territories.
Gerry Kisoun itqaqtuaq itiriaqtuqtuaya S/Cst. Otto Binder. Itqaqtuaq Otto “Ilaluitiyuklutin RCMP savakluutin?” Gerry asiin ilaluitiyaa RCMP, Special Constable 1971mi. Taimaagaa ilisarvikmi RCMP Constable 1975mi, savaktuat Alberta asulu Yukonmi.
Gerry marlagusuktuaq Inuvialuk savakuum saangani. Savaktuaq Tuktoyaktukmi asulu Inuvikmi 1986 – 1996 RCMP Officer.
Tadjvangaanin, Gerry savaktuaq – inuuniarvikmi Northwest Territories, asiin Deputy Commissioner Northwest Territoriesmi 2016/2017.
Inuvik Sub/Div. Insp. John Sebastien congratulates S/Cst. Gerry Kisoun on receiving his Regimental number, allowing him to attend the RCMP Training Academy, 1974.
NWT RCMP special constables in Vancouver at Expo ’86
NWT Archives/G-1995-001:4743
RCMP Officer Julia Crapeau of Detah at the “G” Division Headquarters in Yellowknife, 1989.
NWT Archives/G-1995-001:2877
Taamna Corporal April Bell, savaktuaq nutaaq RCMP. Uumayuaq Northwest Territoriesmi, savaktuaq northern inuit RCMP. Taniqpat Aboriginal Policing “G” Division, savaktuat NWT inuuniarvik nakuruallaktuaq policing savaktiit.
Right: Cpl. April Bell in full Red Serge, 2017.
Background: 1973 RCMP Commemorative Plaque outside “G” Division Headquarters in Yellowknife.
Tutqaanaittuq sivituyumik avayaittuq asiin ikayuqtuaq ilurriyaa. Tamaan taputiyaaila kinguvatigun sivulliqmun residential ilisarvik nutaraq, asulu allauyuaq annigaa kinguvatigun Indian Residential Schools, religious surautat, government, asulu inuit Canadami.
Ilitarilangayaa taamna Nunaruaqqaaqtuat qaitaa police savaktiit tutqaanaittuq.
Background: Exhibit Opening, August 3, 2017. (Angela Gzowski Photography)
Taamna maniyaa angmaniq “Uvagut Misigiyaa” Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife NWTmi, August 3, 2017. Isaktuaq Government Northwest Territories savaktuat Education, Culture, asulu Employment, Justice, Royal Canadian Mounted Police “G” Division.
Uvagut quviasuktuyut taamna inuit uqaqtuaq quliaqtut tamapta una maniyaa angmaniq:
Bella Arey, Inuvik
Sonny (Edward) Balsillie, Fort Resolution
Steve Beck, Hay River
Otto Binder Jr., Inuvik
Grace Blake, Tsiigehtchic
Mabel Brown, Inuvik
Dale Clark, Tsiigehtchic
Albert Elias, Inuvik
Freddy Jerome, Inuvik
Thomas Kotchea, Trout Lake
Wilfred Lennie, Tulita
George Mandeville, Fort Smith
Arlene Wright, Fort Liard
Charlotte Menacho, Tulita
Louie Mercredi, Fort Smith
Winston Moses, Inuvik
George Niditchie, Tsiigehtchic
Louise Reindeer, Tulita
Peter Ross, Tsiigehtchic
Uvagut angiqtuaq isuma tamaitta:
RCMP Heritage Centre
Deborah Kigjugalik Webster, Ottawa
Paul Andrew, Yellowknife
Lee Cazon, Fort Simpson
April Bell, Yellowknife
Gerry Kisoun, Inuvik
RCMP Quarterly
Gwich’in Tribal Council staff:
Alestine Andre, Ingrid Kritsch, Diane Baxter
GNWT Aboriginal Languages and Learning Secretariat
Wally Wolfe, St. Albert
Sue Look, Hay River
Wallace Finlayson, Trophy Lodge, Reliance
Leslie McCartney
Kevin Antoniak, Fort Smith
Barb Cameron, Yellowknife
Translated into Inuvialuktun by
Holly Carpenter